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Google ads campaigns


How to reach your customers quickly?

Similarly, how can you ensure that customers find you on search engines?

A Google Ads campaign is the ideal solution to help you appear on the first pages of Google search results and attract a targeted clientele.


How do we proceed?

When creating your campaign, we install a series of keywords that define the product or service you wish to offer. When an internet user types one of these keywords into the Google search engine, an advertisement containing a link appears. This allows the internet user to access a page on your site, a form, or your phone number.

At the same time, we use a targeted clientele to maximize your investment. We only reach out to customers interested in your product or service, and in predetermined geographical areas.


How much will it cost you?

A cost per click or a daily amount will be determined according to your budget. Amounts are only deducted if the internet user clicks on your link. Rest assured, protection mechanisms are put in place to prevent the internet user from clicking on the same link multiple times. Google limits the number of clicks per IP address in this way.

In 2021, this method is the most effective way for your business to have maximum visibility. So what are you waiting for?


Entrust your online marketing to us!

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